If you want to improve your ratings, your pride in your Jaguar, and your enjoyment at events, nothing returns as well as investing some time in the study of JCNA’s rulebooks and judges guides. While you can find the whole set online at http://www.jcna.com/concours, reviewing the sections listed here will get you a long way along the fascinating journey that is you and your car.
Then again, sooner or later you will get the bug and want to be a judge yourself. Why? It’s a fun way to become more informed about the different Jaguar models, old and new, their design heritage and trends. No prior experience needed, and you don’t have to show or compete your own car if that’s not your thing. What you’ll find is that you’ll meet and interact with lots of great folks who love to talk jags. Additional information about judging and the concours program in general is available at http://www.jcna.com/concours.
Returning to a focus on you and showing your Jaguar, here is a structured way to get started.
- Arguably the most important starting point is 2018 Chapter IV – Instructions and General Rules for the Owner/Entrant. A little time spent here in Chapter IV will increase your confidence, hence your enjoyment, in the JCNA sanctioned concours experience. There is little as satisfying as knowing what to expect, after all.
- Just like there are different strokes for engines, there are different strokes for different folks, and you will find them described in 2018 Chapter II – Entry Eligibility, Awards, Divisions, and Classes. Maybe you fancy modern cars or prefer classics. Maybe authenticity is paramount, or maybe you most enjoy the as driven condition. This is where you find what floats your boat.
- Once you have a good sense of what you are doing and why, you will be primed for an investigation into what the judges are doing. When setting out to meet the goals you no doubt set for yourself while perusing the above two chapters, you will be wanting to understand what the judges are looking for. Find that information in these two chapters:
- So, good luck to you. The competition can be intense but is always friendly and rewarding. Growing into it is a process that has many paths to rewards and satisfaction. It’s a process you can know and appreciate. Enjoy the process.